Please take part

We encourage any Christian to take part in one of these missions - locally, elsewhere in the UK or in other countries.

Your locality

If you would like to see a mission taking place in your locality, please go to a mission in your town? If a mission is already taking place in your locality, please register your desire to participate via your church leader.

Other UK Missions

If you are from the UK and want to take part in mission in another part of the UK, you don't need any special qualifications! But what we do ask is for the agreement of your pastor/church leader that you participate. For those already on our mailing list, we already have the agreement of the relevent church leader for you to take part! For those wishing to take part for the first time, please write to us with your choice of forthcoming missions, enclosing a note or letter from your church leader agreeing to your participation. This is not to put anybody off, but to do what we do under the authority of the local church leadership.

Visiting team members are normally able to be accommodated free of charge with local team members. But you do need to pay for your own travel costs.

Missions in other countries

If you would like to be considered for a team travelling to one of the international mission destinations in 2008, please write to us, enclosing a letter from your church leader agreeing to your participation. It is helpful if you have done an On the Move mission before. It is also helpful, but by no means essential, if you speak the language of the country we are going to. (In fact a minority of UK team members who've come abroad so far actually spoke the language!) We will then give you further information on likely costs of travel and hotel/hostel accommodation etc, and will want to talk over the possibilities with you. So please include your telephone number, as well as your postal address and email address.

Thanks so much for your willingness to be used!

what we do
where it works
see it on video
international reports
a mission in your town?
future UK missions
future international missions
please take part
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