Sophiatown and Pretoria

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Sophiatown saw a delightful mission, with about five local churches and another five or so from nearby Johannesburg.  The emphasis was on reconciliation, it being the 50th anniversary of what they call 'the removals' - a notorious episode in the history of Apartheid, when the black population was forced out to make way for whites.  The mission, with black, white and ‘coloured’ Christians working together, and hosting people from all races, was regarded by locals as a clear 'breakthrough'.  Everything was so harmonious, and we simply were one church, working together in love.  About 200 people gave their lives to Christ in the two evenings.  There was much joy and celebration. 
M.G. Feb 05


Pretoria, the capital - and the first of the 30 capital city missions the Lord gave me the vision for - almost didn't happen!  Very late local organisation, and a verdict from the local council the day before it was due to start that 14 days minimum would be needed to get permission to use the park we wanted, or any public space, seemed to have killed it.  As you might imagine, falling at the first hurdle was hard for me!  I did give it up that night.  The next morning, we had a call from a church leader in Sophiatown, who had taken it upon herself to phone five contacts of hers in Pretoria.  She asked them to suggest people who might support the mission, and she was given eleven.  She stayed up all night praying.  The Holy Spirit showed her one name clearly.  She rang them and the church said they'd love to help and had ideal grounds, privately owned, literally next to the park we had wanted to use!  They even had chairs, tables and, wait for it, barbecues!  We saw them later that day, having first arrived at our previously booked hotel.  The church (in this city of 2 million) turned out to be less than 100 metres from the hotel!!!!  And the site was ideal for a mission.   So it happened, (a day late).  Locals joined in, giving us a good team from Sophiatown, Jo'burg and from two churches in Pretoria.  Again, about 200 gave their lives to Christ in two days of barbecues.  I haven't stopped thanking God for what he did to save it at the last minute.  So now we know that a mission can be successfully organised with 24 hours notice...

M.G. Feb 05 


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